Zoom Meeting Descriptions

Birthing the Man Child

What an incredible time in history to be alive! Join us as we discuss, Birthing the Man Child. This teaching will show the connection of the church and the seed it will bring forth as outlined in Revelations 12 to produce the man child. “And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman….And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon…And she brought forth a man childwho was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.” The woman represents the church. Will you be a part of the church that produces Christ in this last hour? If so, Christ must be formed in you (His Seed). This is a message of HOPE, POWER, and GLORY for God’s people.

Temples of Babylon

Saint Peter sent letters from Rome to the persecuted church at the time when wicked Nero was the emperor. He calls Rome, Babylon. Rome is a representation of spiritual Babylon. The Greek word in the Strong’s Concordance says that Rome is the most corrupt seat of idolatry and the enemy of Christianity. In this session we will discuss Babylon and its relation to the church. We will also examine how physical temples were built upon the death of Christian martyrs. We as Christians should be building our temples with a separation from Babylon. I will be sharing my experience from my recent visit to the pagan temples of Rome.

Keeping the Faith

Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith”. What is the status of your Faith? Is it wavering or steadfast? Will you finish the race? Are you strong enough to fight a good fight? In this session we will talk about ways to build faith to STAND in these days of propagated fear.

I Must See Rome

Paul felt an urgency to see Rome. I’m thinking he probably didn’t realize that he would be beheaded in Rome by the evil Emperor Nero. I too, felt an urgency to see Rome. A few weeks ago, I returned from a research trip to Rome and it was an eye opener for me. This session will discuss Catholicism, pagan worship, the martyrs, the Romans and the Jews, etc. Join me as I share with you my experience in Rome.