New Book

Truth is Not of This World: Take Heed, Be Not Deceived will be released on Amazon on September 2, 2024.

The book is available on Amazon.

An autographed soft cover copy can be ordered on this site at the same price ($19.99) as on Amazon.

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Truth is Not of this World exposes the unfruitful works of darkness and cries out for those who are being called into his marvelous light. The reader will better understand who Abraham was, the foundations of the “Abrahamic religions” and the apostate church as well as the connection to Zionism, the Jesuits, and Freemasonry.

On February 14, 2023, at 2:30 am in Tiberias, Israel an unscheduled red crescent blood moon was over the Sea of Galilee.  Three warnings were given. The moon is a symbol of the power of darkness. Blood is a symbol of death.

Many do not know Truth and are deceived.   The Babylonian religious system has infiltrated the church though lies, idolatry, traditions, and betrayal. God hates the mixing of the profane with and the holy.  It is the antichrist’s attempt to corrupt the Holy Seed.

Jesus is the Seed of Abraham.  Jesus inherited all the blessings of the covenants and is heir to all things.  He must be recognized and worshiped as King of Kings.  The Israel of God will share in the inheritance with Him. 

The power of darkness will be defeated, and the remnant will soon be delivered.